There are two main types of wigs in the market, and many people argue over which one is the superior one. If you want to get a headband wig, chances are you have had people try to talk you into buying the lace front instead. The same might also happen if you choose to go with the lace front wig. You will often end up more confused over which wig you should choose and which one will work for you. Knowing the main differences between a headband and lace front will ensure that you make the right decision on the wig that will work for you and your needs.

What is a headband wig?

A headband wig main consists of hair sewn into a cap that has straps at the end. When wearing it, all you need to do is put on the cap and then tie up the straps in a bow, or some of them come with pins you can use to secure. The straps and clips ensure that you can fit the cap snuggly on your head without having to adjust it a couple of times. You can also add another headband on top of the wig to make it look more natural.

What is a lace front wig?

Lace front wigs come with a see-through mesh at the front that is trimmed to size. The wig gives you a neat finish that ensures the hair looks as natural as possible on you. You will need to attach it with wig glue; otherwise, it might come off when you wear it. You also need to ensure that you wear it properly to prevent it from looking off on your head.

Differences between the two wigs

Even though the two wigs are all protective styles, they are different. Knowing how they differ will go a long way to ensure you get the right wig for you. Here are some of the main differences of the wig.

1. Attachment style

While a headband wig is secured using the straps that come with the cap, the lace front wig needs you to use wig glue. Lace wigs might come with pins, but you will not be able to secure them properly using the pins.

2. User-friendliness

Many users admit that using the headband wig is easier since all you need to do is adjust the straps, and you are good to go. When it comes to lace wigs, you will have to take more time to ensure that the wig glue is tacky enough before you wear the wig. It can be a hassle for you, especially if you are in a hurry.

3. Final look

The lace front wig is known to give the illusion of the hair being more natural than it is. On the other hand, people can easily spot a headband wig.

Last thoughts

Whether you choose to settle on the lace front wig or the headband wig, ensure you do your research. A side-by-side comparison will come in handy for you when you get stuck on what final choice you should make. At the end of the day, you need to remember when choosing any wig, go for quality hair and wig construction.


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