While many business owners may be keen on different areas of their business, the likes of location, marketing, production, and even interior design in some rare cases, the aspect of lighting are one that most, if not all business owner don’t put much thought into. Just like choosing a strategic location is crucial, so is finding the right lighting for your commercial or office space. It is one of the several ways through which you can maximize the productivity, quantity of sales, and the well-being of employees in the workplace. Firms like Mihouse lighting offer some of the best deals for office lighting.
Choosing the right office lighting solution
1. Intensity
One of the areas where light is vital in the office is the desks where tasks and projects are worked on and where most employees are seated for the better part of the day. If such an area in the office is not adequately lit, it can result in the worked straining their eyes, which also causes tired vision. It may also result in medical issues and loss of concentration, which directly translates into less productivity. However, too much light can also lead to visual problems, which may also result in reduced productivity. It is, therefore, essential to ensure that the office lighting system emits the right intensity of light. You can consider;
- The rate of illumination against the size of the office space
- The color temperature
2. The size of the office

The size of the office will determine the amount of intensity and illumination to opt for; the standard-sized office would require illumination of about 300 Ix. However, different sizes require different rates. The size of the office will also determine the number of office lighting fixtures to use, the placement of the fixtures, and the amount you have to spend on the office lighting project.
3. Energy consumption
All business owners look for ways in which they can spend less while earning more from their products or services. The amount of money spent on energy or lighting is also a factor to consider when calculating expenditure at the office. Therefore, when looking for the perfect office lighting system, it is vital to find the amount of energy consumption, which would, in turn, translate into the amount of money spent on lights. For this reason, LED lights for offices are the top option for office lighting.
To save on costs, you can also consider adjustable lights so that you can adjust the lights to lower power during the day. Remember that the purpose of office lighting is to supplement the natural light of the day as most office hours are during the day.
The type of lighting that you choose for your office or workspace will affect the quantity of employee productivity in the office, the number of sales that will be made in the said office, the security in the office and its surrounding areas, the customer satisfaction rates as well as the general profitability of the company. It is, therefore, an aspect of office interior and exterior design that should be taken seriously.